Practice Areas

I define success as living my true purpose and having a positive impact on the lives of people by uplifting them and inspiring them to think and act in ways that they may not have considered before.

Trauma Counselling

Trauma counselling is a specialised field which helps clients deal and recover from a traumatic event.

This traumatic events may include one or all of the following 

  •  Losing a loved one
  •  Hijacking / mugging / armed robbery
  •  Job loss / retirement
  •  Car accident
  •  Illness
  •  Natural disasters
  • Sexual assualt or rape
  • Divorce

I am not what happened to me, I am what i choose to become.

Carl Gustav Jung

Couples Counselling

We help couples at every stage in their relationship to connect with one another and remember why they fell in love in the first place. Life can be challenging. It can throw up obstacles to our happiness. But with greater awareness and understanding we can learn to turn those obstacles into opportunities.

Self-control is the strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life. Don’t allow your emotions to overpower  your intelligence

Morgan Freeman

One on one individual counselling

This is a one-on-one discussion between the counselor and the client, who is the person seeking treatment.

the two of us will form an alliance, relationship or bond that enables trust and personal growth.  

if you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then i warn you that you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life.

Abraham Maslow

Let Our Experience Be Your Guide 

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Committed To Helping Our Clients Heal

Other Practice Areas

Trauma Debrifing

Caught off guard and "numb" from the impact of a critical incident?Debriefing is a specific technique designed to assist others in dealing with the physical or psychological symptoms that are generally associated with trauma exposure. Debriefing allows those involved with the incident to process the event and reflect on its impact.

Employee Wellness

Employee Wellness Service Provider strive for excellence in advancing people’s mental en physical well-being through our Employee Wellness Program. We offer Corporate Companies a wide range of services specifically catered for their corporate needs and to help employees deal with the often stressful and demanding situations South Africans may face on a regular basis.

Play intervention

In play therapy we use play as a communication tool to understand their world and to help them deal with emotional distress and trauma. You'll help children and their families work through difficult life issues and experiences, including: abuse and neglect.

HIV/AIDS Counselling

this is a confidential dialogue between a client and a counsellor aimed at enabling the client to cope with stress and take personal decisions related to HIV/AIDS. The counselling process includes evaluating the personal risk of HIV transmission, and discussing how to prevent infection.