Couples Counselling

What Is offered In Our Couples Counselling

Pre Marital Counselling

Couples often struggle in relationships with communication, meeting each other’s needs and communicating expectations effectively.Apart from personality and personal beliefs and expectations, it is important to understand as much as possible about your own family system and the family system of your spouse-to-be in order to have more insight before your exchange the vows.

Marital Counselling

marriage is the cornerstone of the family. If the parents function well in the marital relationship chances are really good that the children will also benefit greatly. But marriage is not just about having children, it is also about the exciting journey of self and other-discovery in the most intimate way known to humankind.

Divorce Counselling

Divorce occurs when a marriage does not succeed. The end of a marriage can feel like a relief. It can also be extremely stressful.It is impossible to predict with 100% accuracy if a marriage will end. But there are some signs that indicate it might. If present, these signs could mean divorce is more likely.

Pre-Marriage Counselling

Pre-marriage counselling with Couples Is essential in the sense that it will provide you with the knowledge you need for accelerated growth and transformation in your relationship. In our sessions we  will help you to build a solid foundation of wholeness ready for your marriage, helping you to have the healthy conversations you need to have before your special day.

What To Expect In The Sessions

Throughout your pre-marriage counselling, your therapist will take you through a number of different topics so you can enjoy a whole new level of connection with each other from the start of your marriage. Topics covered in our pre-marriage counselling include:

– Listening and speaking to each other in a way that enhances understanding and connection.

– In depth personality analysis for both partners.

– Understanding how the two personalities come together.

– Understanding how the child in your partner is still present in your relationship.

– Learning how to grow through childhood wounds and connecting as adults in the present.

– Learning frustration dialogue techniques to grow from frustration and conflict into greater intimacy.

– Understanding your individual and unique sexual journey.

– Learn love making and caring skills that nourish the relationship.

– Understanding your partner’s and your own deep, unconscious needs and longings.


For Additional Help & Support With Your Concerns

Marriage Counselling

Marriage Counselling is by no means a magic wand that will make all your relationship problems disappear.

What To Expect In The Sessions

marriage counselling is only as effective as you choose to make it. You can have a whole collection of books in your library on how to better your understanding of one another, but if you don’t actually make the time to read the books and try to apply the knowledge actively in your life – it cannot and will not be of any use to you.

Therefore, when you decide to come for marriage counselling, make very sure of your motives. Marriage counselling will help you understand yourself better, help you get to know your partner better. You will learn new and interesting ways in which to communicate and love each other, but if you don’t choose to apply this knowledge, you are wasting your time and money. If you however, are open minded, want to save your marriage, are willing to learn, to adapt and to change (not who you are, but how you are), marriage counselling can and will benefit you immensely!

Divorce Counselling

The end of a marriage is one of the most stressful events a person can experience in his/her life time. Even for the spouse who chooses to leave, divorce is likely to bring up a range of very painful emotions such as grief, guilt, anger, confusion, fear, shame, and anxiety. If there are children involved, the emotions are even higher. 


Partners may choose divorce for many reasons. Couples often cite multiple reasons rather than one single problem. The following reasons are some of the most common for divorce:

Lack of commitment. This includes marrying too young or marrying the wrong person.

An affair

Communication issues or a tendency to bicker

Unfair division of labor in marriage

Physical abuse or Emotional abuse


Insufficient preparation for the challenges of married life

Financial problems and arguments about money


Divorce is life-changing in many ways. It is helpful to monitor your reactions to the changes of divorce. This self-awareness can help you cope with the many adjustments that follow. 

Some common changes divorce brings include:

  • Finances. Financial changes occur when one household becomes two. Some people are used to being supported financially by their partner. Divorce may change this. The sudden budget changes that come with divorce may cause worry, stress, or anxiety.
  • Lifestyle. Single and married life are different. Newly divorced people may feel lonely or go through shock after separating. These feelings can occur even if the person wanted a divorce. Self-care and self-compassion are key in this time of change. 
  • Relationships. Bonds with children and friendships may be altered by divorce. Relationships with mutual friends may be different. Your children may no longer live with you all the time. This change may cause feelings of loss or grief. Keeping a strong support network during this time can help.